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Image by Alex Iby



I am certified in Gestalt Therapy, a relational, mind-body, experiential approach to therapy and coaching, which required not only years of study and practice, but also experiencing the therapeutic approach myself for over 3 years. 


Gestalt therapy is an experiential and relational therapy. As a Gestalt-trained therapist, I help people learn to take personal responsibility for their part in their lives. Together, we focus on being in the present moment and strengthening the mind-body connection. People learn to experience their feelings and to use them as a source of information and strength. The client-therapist relationship is used to help people better understand themselves in their other relationships. Gestalt therapy teaches people a new way to live.


In addition, Gestalt theory teaches us that we exist relationally and that everything is co-created. It teaches us how to create connection versus disconnection and how to give ourselves permission to be who we are. Gestalt theory gives us permission to change as well and shows us the way forward. It’s the opposite of limiting. Gestaltists look at the world in a way that’s flexible and open.


Of all the therapy training I have done, and all the certifications I have gotten, Gestalt Therapy is by far the most powerful, healing, and life-altering.

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